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What Those New To Jet Ski Tours Need To Know

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Whether you're going to be visiting Alaska's Inside Passage, the Florida Keys, or the Great Lake area, you'll come across the opportunity to take a jet ski tour. These tours offer a great way to see nature up close in a way that can't happen with larger watercraft. You may see dolphins, whales, and other marine life while enjoying your jet ski tour. Follow the tips and tricks below to make sure you get the most of your experience. 


Whether your tour involves a personal jet ski or a jet ski powerboat meant to care multiple passenger, being properly dressed will ensure a more comfortable ride. Many people believe that a simple cotton T-shirt and and pair of shorts is all they need, but the chances of your clothing becoming covered with water on a personal jet ski or a jet ski powerboat are extremely high. Once cotton clothing becomes saturated with water, it stays that way for hours, and it's heavy and uncomfortable. Lightweight fabrics made from nylon or Lycra are far better options than cotton because they dry out quickly. You could choose to wear a bathing suit if you're in a tropical location such as the Florida Keys, but make certain you wear plenty of waterproof sunscreen. If enjoying the water in Alaska, a wetsuit made from neoprene will hold in your body heat. A good pair of nonslip shoes is essential when on the water. 

Naturally, you should always wear a personal flotation device while on a jet ski. Your tour operator will have them on hand and will help ensure that you've put it on properly an that you've chosen the best size for your particular body type.

Jet Ski Safety

Another aspect of ensuring an enjoyable jet ski tour is safety. Always listen to your guide as well as be mindful of any other watercraft that may be in the area. Keep in mind that passing vessels may create wakes that can easily tip your jet ski over if you get too close to them. Always resist the urge to show off to others in your party while on a jet ski, and if adult beverages are a part of the picture, consume them after you've safely complete your jet ski tour rather than prior to getting on the water. 

Be sure to ask your jet ski tour operators, such as at FUNPCB, any questions you may have before going out to ensure smooth sailing and a great time. 
